Saturday, September 3, 2011

Follow me

I'm typing with my left hand because I'm holding the little one with my right.

New blog:

It's here.

Click to be amazed.

Follow me. I don't bite. I nibble.

Monday, August 22, 2011

When font reflects life

I hate when The Fray is right.

That's not a good feeling.

I gotta write away the wrong. Nawmean?

This all seems vague and emo, but this is a blog so what do you expect?

Today I realized I need to be bold. Really bold. Not just wear straw fedora hats and blingy watches but really bold in life. I'm going to start that... now.

It begins.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Growing- A little lovely poem for my little lovely girl

Everything is growing.
Your hands, your feet, your hair.
Everything is growing,
And now you're everywhere.
You're in air I breathe;
You're in the world I see;
You're in my thoughts while I'm awake,
And always in my dreams.
You are still my little baby,
Only 14 weeks
And yet you're growing so fast;
So fast I fear to blink.
Everything is growing,
Your arms, your legs, your toes.
As soon as I learn a new part of you,
It grows and grows and grows.
Everything is growing,
And this is only the start.
Everything is growing
Most importantly the love in my heart.

I love you. You amaze me.

Even when you poop on me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Blog Jesus

Sup, peeps?

So... I am working on my new blog, but in the meantime I will post a few posty posts on this blog. 

First, The News:

This blog is now displayed on I'm going to go ahead and do a "WOO!" 

Just go to the "Personal Journals" and scroll down and wamblamshabamman thank you mam there I am. Make sure you like it and give it amazing ratings! 

I feel like I'm a sitting in someone else's urine on a toilet seat. 

This is my metaphor for writing on this blog. This blog is the toilet seat (a very interesting and entertaining toilet seat) and someone else's urine is my old self. Don't get me wrong. It's clear urine. The good kind. Very hydrated. It's just not mine anymore. I am a different person. So excuse me if this writing (particularly the metaphors) isn't as fresh and as clean clean as it once was. 

My new blog is going to be significantly more amazing than this one, though. It's going to actually have a design rather than just have a very sexy, beautiful picture of me on a blogger template. My new blog gives me purpose and seeks to do the same for you. Yes. My blog will give you purpose in life. It is what you have been looking for... what your life has been missing. 

So stay patient because my second coming is... coming. 

I have a new baby, a new super-sweet apartment, and a new view on living. So take my hand and let me lead you to the blog promise land.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


The new blog.

It's happening.

It's sexy. It's fun. It's...above average....

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Where I've landed

It may be time to retire this blog.

I have changed immensely since having the little one. I am no longer the angsty douche-face that wanted to punch everyone in the neck with my fists of witty fury.

I am now a mom. No more witty fury fists. Just mom fists.... not for punching my child.... it's just a metaphor.

Actually, I just want to be me and a mom and not feel like I have to keep up with my old self or with my peers who are out doing crazy wild peer-people things like punching children. I want to prove that I have nothing to prove.

Sounds like a new blog.

Thank you all for reading my life. I dedicate this blog to tortured animals, diminishing native cultures, dying ecosystems, minorities, bloggers with inflated senses of self-importance, and other hippy liberal things that I will inevitably trade in for conservative, God-fearing, and money-focused ideals. God bless you, Fox News, and freedom fries.

Seriously, though, don't buy products tested on animals.

Unless it's cheaper and/or advertised on Oprah.

I'm so confused. Not much has changed.

Definitely a new blog. Maybe.

I'll let you know.

On this blog.

So yeah, I'll be back. This isn't a very impressive ending.....

-Katie the Blogging Lady

Friday, July 1, 2011

I'm a lot like Buddha

I'm in self- pity mode.

Stop giving me that look! No one ever lets me feel sorry for myself! It's awful being me!

Do you ever just feel like you are trying super hard to be super awesome and very much succeeding but then not one single parade is thrown in your honor. NOT ONE PARADE!

I need more gays in my life.

I really am sitting around waiting for things to change and they don't. It's like..... why don't things change without me exerting any effort? Why???

I like to think that by sitting around a lot I am doing Buddhisty things. Yeah... Buddhisty things. Buddhism. That's a hip thing to include in a blog, right? So yeah, I sit around and allow my chi and zen and feng shui to transcend my frustrations.

My point is, I am extremely good at rationalizing my life. So because I am so good at rationalizing, it is only rational that I keep doing that.

I just want attention. Why else would I have a blog?